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Enxoo League of Transformation is here to guide you on your journey

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Enxoo League of Transformation is here to guide you on your journey

The Transformers

The 3B’s of success in a digital transformation cycle

Digital transformation ranks as one of the most overused and abused buzzwords, casually thrown around in guides, panels and conferences.

Our customers go to market in a third of the time, sell 3x faster and boost sales by at least 20%.

We built a platform based on 20 years of industry experience and best practices - so you can trust us on your quest to become truly digital.

We always aim to reduce complexity, drive automation and deliver business value to all stakeholders: employees, partners and customers alike.

Working with major telcos around the globe we can tell you that we are not quite as ‘digital’ as one might have hoped and there are still many challenges ahead of us.

That’s where the Enxoo League of Transformation comes to the rescue.

Our League enables Customers to

Be Fast

In today’s competitive and demanding landscape you cannot afford to be slow. Keep up with the changing telecom environment and growing customer expectations.

Use the Enxoo Platform to quickstart your digital journey - it’s cloud based and can be implemented even within 6 months.

Don’t waste time on creating your own systems and solutions

Adapt faster to changing market conditions

Create and roll out products in hours thanks to the centralized Product Catalog.

Give your business customers consumer-like response times.

Create quotes in minutes and not days. Enjoy the real time capabilities, and be smarter with built-in AI.

Automate your business processes, go to market faster, deliver services on-demand, enhance customer and partner experiences.

Be Productive

The Enxoo Platform has your back when it comes to efficient processes.

The platform allows your orders to be instantly captured and broken down for fast fulfillment. Your teams can stop wasting time re-entering information between systems from quote to order.

The Enxoo Platform allows you to send accurate invoices every time for one-off and recurring orders.

Create and send sales documents to your customers without leaving the platform.

Move seamlessly from sale to order

Configure, price and quote complex deals without errors

Automate billing

Take manual work to a minimum. Automate menial tasks that distract you from your customers.

Be Profitable

Enxoo Platform comes with built in reporting features, so you can make informed decisions and never guess again.

Be confident that every deal is profitable

Easily automate pricing, discounts and approvals.Improve cost assurance performance, minimize the risk of leakage and maximize revenue capture.

Keep track of your deals and focus on what matters most

Don’t lose potential revenue due to your inability to act quickly

Take it down to every team member, every process and each technology you choose to implement. Treat the latter only as means to an end - to become the best at what you do.

Keep in mind that transforming is a constant and for a business to thrive it is vital to build a culture of continuous improvement and elimination of waste, where ‘digital’ becomes a part of company DNA, always evolving as market conditions change and new technologies emerge.

Wherever in your transformation cycle you are now, whether you call it ‘digital’ or you don’t have a label for it - remember about the three B’s.

Building a Foundation for Continual Transformation:

A Simple Guide to Telco Transformation and Delivering the Experiences Today’s Customers Demand

Download the free Enxoo eGuide now!

They Trusted Us

Alex Marshall

Founder & CTIO at Upp

The Enxoo team was instrumental in putting together the architecture that we took for investment. They are very much part of our project right from the very early days.

Expereo is happy to have a strong partner like Enxoo to support its Digital Transformation. Enxoo is a combination of a mature solution embedding strong industry standards specific to telecom, combined with a knowledgeable team able to integrate and tailor it to our specific needs.

Jean-Philippe Avelange

CIO, Expereo

Grow Your Business with Enxoo

Enxoo provides telecommunications-specific digital transformation solutions based on Salesforce technology. As one of the fastest-growing independent Salesforce partners since 2012, Enxoo’s mission is to provide a combination of solutions and consulting services to optimize sales cycles, support growth & revenue, and improve operational processes.




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